1114 First Street Snohomish, WA 98290


Historic District Commercial with Mixed Use Potential

C1910- Brick, Frame, Glass and Concrete Building witUnobstructed Views

of the Snohomish River, Valley and Harvey Airfield

*Building is Also Known As Home for the Former

“Fred’s Rivertown Alehouse”, Since 1953

*Two Story Building with Separate Entrances to Mainstreet and Upper Floor Area

*Former Restaurant/Bar on the Mainstreet Level features a Back Bar and Front Bar with Seating, Commercial Kitchen with Grill, Oven, Fryers under Hood and Vent, Food Prep Areas with Sinks, Stainless Steel Counter

*Large Keg Room/Refrigerator with Connections to Back Bar, Two Commercial Refrigerators, Large Walk-In Freezer and Ice Machine

*Parking/Delivery to the Rear with Alley Access/Egress

*Single or Multi-Tenant Use. Upper Floor has been used for Live/Work, Office and Storage

CALL LAURA FOR A TOUR! 425-754-4518